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Club & Team Training Programs

Develops players by teaching individual skills and small group tactics. Our team training engages a season-long program that begins with the individual player to develop skill and confidence and works out from there to address broader tactical themes. The guidelines set forth below are developed from COERVER® COACHING’s experience in over 37 years of player development and the contributions of top coaches and clubs around the world.

Coerver® Team Training

Coerver® team training sessions help develop players by teaching individual skills and small group tactics. This season-long program begins with sessions that focus on the individual player to develop skill and confidence, and continues with sessions that build-upon one another, while addressing broader tactical themes, that are just right for a team setting.

Team Training is offered by certified Coerver® coaches, utilizing our Pyramid of Player Development, through club-wide programs or individual teams. Team & club-wide training is available in season-long programs, usually 10-12 weeks in length. Training sessions are 60 - 90 minutes, based on the age and level of the players.

Coerver® Partner Club

Becoming a Coerver® Partner Club, provides specialist support for clubs from Grassroots to Professional level. Four key components that are the focus of this program are:

  • Technical Coaching
  • Coach Education
  • Session Planning
  • Home Assignment

All Aimed at giving your club, "The Skillful Edge!"

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